Lake love
Lake Superior from the French River pagoda.
From keeping us cool in summer to supplying our drinking water and from year round recreation to storms wrecking the shoreline, Lake Superior impacts us every day. For this month’s visits to the Aquarium, I asked visitors about their relationship to the big lake.
What is your favorite thing to do or see on Lake Superior? What is your least favorite thing to do or see on Lake Superior?
How have you engaged with Lake Superior (or any lake) this summer?
Describe your most memorable experience on or around
Lake Superior.
As you’ll see in the Almanac Stories, the responses were great. I thought it only fair to share my own relationship with this freshwater ocean. When my family decided to move to Duluth, the lake was a big factor. We have a theory, see, about geological pressure on communities. When there is a prominent environmental feature in a town, the community is forced to interact with it every day and this, we believe, brings people together in subtle but significant ways. Instead of avoiding the force of nature, we embrace it. Together.
My favorite things: looking at the lake while sitting on the lakeshore, from my bike on the scenic road and up high on Hawk Ridge; watching my kids play in and around the water; photographing the rich and ever-changing blues and grays.
My least favorite: finding last summer’s sand in my shoes; plastic bags stuck in trees along the lakeshore; being teased for not wanting to get in the water when its cold.
This summer: Shockingly I have yet to go to the beach, but I have ridden along the scenic, and stopped and captured the above photo from the new pagoda at French River.
My most memorable experience: going out on the ice for the first time this last year - still not sure it was a good idea!
Remember, you can always participate, even if you don’t visit the Aquarium. Follow this link to the Google Form and share your stories!