Collected Stories

Above drawing by Henry D, age 6, Duluth, MN


Visitor Stories

Beginning in May of 2022, Susanna has been setting up a table at the Great Lakes Aquarium 1-2 times per month to engage with visitors about their experiences at and around the museum. Below is an archive of the responses from each month’s survey. The questions plus a few stories are highlighted along with a PDF of all the answers from the month’s visits.




It’s nest building time! Birds use all kinds of materials to build their nests, from sticks to grass and even trash. What unique materials would you use to build your nest? Any favorite item that must be included?!

There are lots of springtime treasures to witness in the weeks to come. What story or action would you give to the natural world as a thank you?


I would build my nest on a fence post and make it out of French fries; I would build mine out of hay in a tree by my house. We would walk quietly on the path in Hartley and whisper, ‘thank you climbing trees for letting me play on you and thank you birds for singing to me.’
— Presley and Charleigh M, Superior, WI, ages 2 and 4
I would use paper, fake straw and glue and build it like a circle up high. I would say thank you and give the natural world magic.
— Aiden, Duluth, MN, age 9

Read more responses here: April 2023




Otters are excellent at play, whether it is wrestling in the water, sliding on ice or digging tunnels in the snow. What is your favorite way to play outside during this time of year when the snow transitions to mud?

What signs of spring do you look forward to in the natural world? How do these signs stir your senses?


I like to jump in puddles, splash, ride my car. Birds singing, green grass and sunshine. They make me everything.
— Kyleen M, Webster, WI, age 3
I like jumping in the mud, making mud potions. I notice kitties and flowers.
— Wren W, Biwabik, MN, age 6

Read more responses here: March 2023




Which animal at the Aquarium would you choose to be your Valentine? How would you ask them or show them you care about them?

Finish the sentence: I love being outside in winter because…


I would give the painted turtle a card. I like to do cartwheels in the deep snow so I can fall down and make snow angels.
— Ella C, Proctor, MN, age 5
Turtles: We gave them our attention every time we passed by and said hi. Chilly/cold fresh air really refreshes me and gives me a chance to clear my thoughts and reinvigorate myself.
— Lenny Z, Duluth, MN, age 40

Read more responses here: February 2023



What do you enjoy most about the lake in winter? What activities do you do on and around the lake this time of year?

What animal tracks have you seen in the snow this winter? Feel free to share where you were and what you were doing. You are also welcome to draw them below.


The ice! I love the way it shifts and changes, the way it catches the low angles of the sun and the noises it makes. When it all piles up on the shore, it makes an otherworldly landscape. I like to ski on the lake.

  • Cara P , Duluth, MN, age 39

I enjoy looking at the lake in the early mornings.

  • Tucker G, St Paul, MN, age 9

Read (and see) more responses here: January 2023




Choose an animal at the Aquarium for whom you want to give a gift. What would you give them?

Describe a favorite (or recent) “gift” that you have received from nature. (i.e. birds building a nest in your backyard, icicle popsicles - yum!, hearing ice form on Lake Superior)


I would give the turtle a Santa hat. I collected lava rock.
— Ben S, Chicago, IL, age 36
The otters are my favorite! I would give them a gift to return to their natural habitat! Winter walks and hikes are a gift.
— Leslie L, Minneapolis, MN, age 40
I would give the sturgeon a toy sturgeon stuffy; I would give Snoopy (the skunk) a book on skunks. I found a crystal from a fairy that was clear and diamond shape; I want a fairy!
— Rip O and Inez A , Duluth, MN, ages 5 and 5

Read more responses here: December 2022




Finish the sentence: I am thankful I came to the Aquarium today because…

There is a cornucopia of beautiful things at the Aquarium. If you could collect anything you've seen at the Aquarium, what would it be and why?

Animals are starting to collect food for the winter. Are you a collector? What do you collect from the natural world and why?


I am glad I came today because I saw a lot of really cool things and learned facts I didn’t know before (like I learned about a unicorn fish with a weird nose).
— Sophia B, Maple Grove, MN, age 11
The giant moose statue would be a really fun addition to my yard.
— Ozzy, St Paul, MN, age 33
I like to collect firewood! To heat our house. Jane collects sea glass (“jewels”).
— Luke, Erica and Jane B, Duluth, MN, ages 34, 34 and 4

Read more responses here: November 2022




It’s autumn and the leaves have turned. What red, yellow and orange animas and plants have you seen so far at the Aquarium?

Halloween is almost here. What creatures at the Aquarium have scared you today and why?

If you could be any of the animals at the Aquarium for Halloween, which would you choose and why?


Yes, in the coral. The big fish mouth (ancient) - scary to see such a big fish up close. A duck! We have always loved ducks.
— Amanda A, New Richmond, WI, age 31
No, but I am looking for a leopard. Anna says none of them are scary. She says they’re all pretty cool. A fish - a crappie.
— Anna D, Duluth, MN, age 4
The turkey vulture has a red head, the bald eagle has a yellow beak, the turtle has red stripes around its shell and yellow on the head, feet and shell. The big picture of the fish at the entrance surprised me. It had spots. The snapping turtle was also scary because it was looking right at me! The snapping turtle! Because I like to clap and that looks like snap!
— Clinton, age 8

Read more responses here: October 2022




How or where have you experienced wonder or felt curious at the Aquarium today

Describe an experience in the natural world when you felt wonder or became curious


That zebra shark have spots instead of stripes. That the skunk had a weird heart disease and died. I like the alligators. One looked at Aubrey and started drooling.
— Elsie and Aubrey, Dent, MN, ages 7.5 and 4.5
Through repetition of coming and seeing how the animals change locations, size or behavior each time. Also watching our kiddo explore on her own and lead us to what she wants to see. Everything is so visual! Hiking, walking on trails and making sure we relate what we see in nature to connect to other things we see in the world or the aquarium.
— Anonymous, Duluth, MN, ages 35-36
I learned in the shipwreck room that fiber glass disintegrates in the sea. I was at Caribou Lake and there were little minnows that were nibbling at my toes. I didn’t know why they were doing that. Were they eating my dead skin?
— Piper P Saginaw, MN, age 7
Giant fish that lived millions of years ago! Shipwrecks! The stick bug was amazing - we got to hold it and learn all about it. Hiking - collecting fall leaves in different colors and shapes. With our pets - guinea pigs - thinking about their natural habitats.
— Erin E, age 42

Read more responses here: September 2022




Camouflage, poison, armor, copying (mimicry), smell - these are some of the “superhero” traits animals use to survive in nature. Which trick would you use and why?

Describe how and when you would reveal your superhero trait?


I would use “invisibility” to survive. Copying (mimicry) would be a great way to survive, too. But “invisibility” would be easier…maybe?
Resting time, because I don’t want any creatures to bother my peaceful free quiet time!
— Eun Joo C, Duluth, MN
Armor! So I can defend myself like a turtle. I’d put armor on my back, something lightweight that doesn’t slow you down.
It would be light, I’d be able to take it on and off and I’d just wear it when there is danger. It would be metal in the middle, with some stones on it like agates.
— Asher, Mounds View, MN, age 9
I would have the power of echolocation so that I could “see” in the dark.
I wouldn’t reveal it until the last minute! And then I would have bright, shining eyes that revealed where I was!
— Emma P, Duluth, MN, age 30
Poison - to defend myself; Strength - to kick with my back legs.
I would reveal my superhero trait by opening my mouth - tongue and teeth; by kicking and punching when they attack me.
— Parker and Piper R, Mahtowa, MN, age 7 & 5

Read more responses here: August 2022


JULY 2022


What is your favorite thing to do or see on Lake Superior? What is your least favorite thing to do or see on Lake Superior?

Describe your most memorable experience on or around Lake Superior.



Watch the big boats, see the fish that live in the lake, find rocks.
— Emily C (and family), Minnetonka, MN, age 34, 5 and 3
Once I found a really cool rock. It was like the world because it had so many layers and the center was really red.
— Corbin W, Lakeville, MN, age 8
A big wave hit my brother and I and we fell down holding hands.
— Isla, Duluth, MN, age 9

Read more responses here: July 2022


JUNE 2022


If you could ask one of the tide pool animals about their life, which species would you choose and what would you ask?



Prawn, what’s it like being a lobster without any claws?
— Josh and Josiah Y, Grand Rapids, MI age 30 and 24
Starfish, what is your favorite color?
— Jax C, age 2
Starfish, how much time does it take you to move 10 feet? What temperature is too warm for you?
— Taji P, Fergus Falls, MN age 40

Read more responses here: June 2022


MAY 2022


What did you learn about sturgeons that surprised you?
Describe an encounter you had with a sturgeon (or other fish) in the wild.



They feel like any fish that I’ve touched. I have caught a sturgeon. It felt really cool because they’re really rare since they’re back from dinosaur times. It was a baby, about 1 foot.
— Harley H, age 10, Pine City, MN
The sturgeon was slimy. I was expecting bumpy. I thought it was going to be soft. It felt like I was touching slime.
— Xander S, age 10, Pine City, MN
I am surprised that they feel like slimy rock. I don’t really know why, that’s why it surprised me. Maybe because they hunt at the bottom of the lake and it might be slimy so that’s why they are.
— Anonymous

Read more responses here: May 2022